Eyes on the Prize and the Magic Lens

Are you so focused that you find yourself jumping over things, sliding across the floor, even pushing things out of your way with the sole purpose of catching the bouncing ball? How about when your hooman gives you a juicy bone or a Kong filled with yummy peanut butter?
If you can related, then I’m sure you won’t let anyone interrupt you until you finish savoring your delicious treat or catching the ball.
Well furriends, let me tell you something. If there’s one thing Mom has learned about me and every other dog she’s ever met is that we have DETERMINATION.

Because us dogs, we love to keep life simple and as such, only focus on two major things -- food & playtime. Every morning before breakfast, I retrieve my ball from the closet where Mom hides it. I grab it with my mouth and bring it to her so she can play with me. Most of the time this trick alone works, but other times when Mom seems busy and is not paying attention, I have to come up with more persuading tactics.
For instance, I stand right in front of her, staring at her with my big puppy eyes and sometimes even adding a bit of a whine while holding the ball in my mouth. At this point, Mom realizes that it’s time to drop everything else and truly enjoy this playtime moment with me. Fetching the ball is my favorite thing to do. Although, admittedly, Mom had to puppy proof the house because I tend to get so determined and focused that I’ve fallen and bumped my head on a few things. But in the end all is good, because catching my bouncing ball makes me feel happy, which in turn makes Mom feel happy.

Observing this pattern in me has also helped Mom to focus on her own goals with more confidence and determination. Accepting the fact that there will always be risks involved and we might have to bump our heads or fall a few times while also recognizing that in the end all is worth it as long as we keep our Eyes on the Prize.
If you’ve been following my paw-story, you’ll know that I’m called the Rehab’d Chihuahua because after 8 years of bad behavior, Mom had to completely switch her training approach which surprisingly has been working wonders for both of us. As a result, one of Mom’s goal became a reality, which was playing fetch off-leash with me at the beach.
This new accomplishment was the initial motivation for Mom to schedule a photo session for our annual portfolio at beautiful
Baker Beach in San Francisco.
But soon enough, our photo session became more than just a game at the beach. It signified the courage, patience, tears, effort, commitment and love behind the sole focus of achieving a goal.
Mom and I have the firm belief that everyone is capable of change. In fact, change is inevitable. It is up to you to create meaningful goals and stare at them daily with full determination and focus, without allowing any circumstances or exterior challenges to derail you. Because sooner or later you will get there. And when you do, celebrate your achievements and create a new meaningful goal...
Going back to the photo session, it was Magical!

Have you ever wondered who is the artist behind the photos on the MonchiPaw website and some photos in my Blog posts?
For the past 3 years Mom created a tradition to capture our best moments in celebration of our growth and new lifestyle. However, there was a big concern for Mom to find the right person for the job. Believe it or not, Mom can be a bit shy and very private. So the thought of having a stranger capturing our loving, tender moments made her feel vulnerable and uncomfortable.
Additionally, she wanted for me to be at ease with the person taking our pictures. So she put it out to the Universe to help us find the right fit for us. And this is how she eventually learned that a friend of us was also a photographer and to her surprise a very good one :)
Our photographer and friend, Ernesto, immediately made me feel comfortable during our photoshoot, which in turn made Mom feel comfortable too. It also helped that Mom gave him treats to grab my attention during the photos. But it was mostly his calm energy and the time and space he gave me that encouraged me to approach him and ultimately trust him.
Soon enough I felt like a dog model. At times I didn’t even notice the camera following me around, because my main focus was to have fun with Mom and chase my bouncing ball.

So furriends, stay determined and if your hoomans’ thoughts are derailed, remind them to change the lens and switch their focus to a worthy goal, which most likely includes you!
Love & Paws,
Thank you Ernesto for the fun memories!!!
Click photo to be directed to Diaz-Flores Photography
Contact e-mail: ernesto.diaz.flores@gmail.com